Track and Field

Girls Sectionals Results
@ Warren Central
Boys Sectionals
@ Greenfield Cent.
Thursday, May 16th
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Physical & Pre-Participation Forms
IHSAA Rule 3-10 requires that "Between April 1 and student’s first Practice in preparation for interschool athletic participation, the student shall have a physical examination by, or shall provide certification from, a physician holding an unlimited license to practice medicine, a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant, who shall clear the student for athletic participation using the current IHSAA Pre‐Participation Evaluation form."
All athletes must have a valid IHSAA Pre-Participation Examination Physical Form and the IHSAA Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest Acknowledgement & Signature Form on file for the present scholastic year prior to eligibility and competition.
Click here to be re-directed to the IHSAA Pre-Participation Physical Form, print and take with you to your Physical Evaluation appointment. All sections of this form need to be completed and have all signatures in place to be considered final. Return to your coach or athletics director. A new form/evaluation is required for each new school year.
Click here to be re-directed to the IHSAA Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest Acknowledgement & Signature Form. Print this document after reading and discussing the Heads Up Concussion in High School Sports - Fact Sheet for Parents and Students, as well as reading and familiarizing yourselves with the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Faq Document. All sections of this form need to be completed and have all signatures in place to be considered final. Return to your coach or athletics director. A new form is required for each new school year.