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Girls Sectionals Results
@ Warren Central

Boys Sectionals
@ Greenfield Cent.
Thursday, May 16th 


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Lutheran Track & Field WEATHER

Physical & Pre-Participation Forms


IHSAA Rule 3-10 requires that "Between April 1 and student’s first Practice in preparation for interschool athletic participation, the student shall have a physical examination by, or shall provide certification from, a physician holding an unlimited license to practice medicine, a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant, who shall clear the student for athletic participation using the current IHSAA Pre‐Participation Evaluation form."

All athletes must have a valid IHSAA Pre-Participation Examination Physical Form and the IHSAA Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest Acknowledgement & Signature Form on file for the present scholastic year prior to eligibility and competition.  

February 2025
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