Welcome to Lutheran Saints 4 Life!
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Saints4Life is a student-led group that advocates for and raises awareness about life issues such as homelessness, hunger, suicide, human trafficking, abortion, euthanasia, and more. We know that we are created by God in His image and work to extend his kingdom through advocacy, service, and education.
Check out Saints4Life and Y4Life on Instagram!
Mission Statement
Motivated by the GOSPEL, Saints 4 Life serves the community, advocating for ALL life with a CHRIST-centered attitude.
Saints4Life is part of a network of Y4Life chapters at high schools and colleges around the country. More information can be found on
Recent Activities
Sixteen Saints traveled to Washington, D.C. in January, 2022 to march on the National Mall with 100,000 pro-life advocates.
Saints shared what they were thankful for leading up to Thanksgiving 2020.
Homecoming 2020: Saints4Life collected items for care packages to give to homeless people in Indianapolis. Over 125 care packages were donated to Wheeler Mission and Outreach Indianapolis.
Seven students attended the Y4Life leadership retreat March 6-8 (pictured below). Students engaged in training exercises and began planning activities. Activities include regular meetings, school-wide participation opportunities, fundraisers, and a trip to the National March for Life in Washington DC.
Twenty-five students attended the March for Life in Indianapolis on January 22, 2021.