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Grace and Peace be to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
If you are reading this, you may be considering sending your beloved child to our school for a good faith-based and/or private education.

Lutheran High School serves along with 16 other Association Lutheran Churches in the Greater Indianapolis area.  As Paul says to the Corinthian Church, “For I decided to know nothing among you but Christ and Him Crucified.” (1 Cor 2:2 ESV). The goal of the academic and spiritual format of our classes and weekly chapel is a faith-based education which prepares young adults for a Christian life while providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment. We believe that God, who created all things, also sustains all things and governs all things. Through LHS classes and weekly chapel, each student has the opportunity to advance in wisdom, stature, spiritual growth, faith towards Christ, and love for one another.

We are a Bible-based school that firmly stands on our Lutheran Confessions and beliefs which are the essential helpmates of daily life. Having a solid foundation of faith and confession helps to guide the next generation of students into mature citizens of this great country.  We are a school that is passionate about our love for God and our neighbor (our students, their families, and our community).

Many of our students come from different schools and church traditions and have a rich spiritual heritage, while others may come from different beliefs.  Whatever the reason for your desire to make LHS your high school home, we are a school that offers a community and a beacon of light into a darkened world.

Rev. Timothy D. Benzinger

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.  Mark 12:30

We at Lutheran High School of Indianapolis have committed ourselves to exploring our individual learning disciplines with scholarly excellence with diligence, and to assist in the development of our students within a biblical worldview, thus preparing them for servant leadership in society through their own academic and vocational pursuits.  The mission of LHS includes the integration of biblical faith and learning in its educational experiences, which are designed to enrich scholarship, Christian discipleship, and produce lifelong learning.  The faculty and staff pledge themselves to integrate biblical faith into every aspect of the life of the campus and community in which we serve.

The mission of LHS includes the integration of biblical faith and learning in its educational experiences. Click on the links to learn more about the role of Christian faith and community service at Lutheran High School.